Developing Programs
Christ Child Society Programs have, through the direction of Mary Virginia Merrick, found a need and filled it. Therefore, each chapter develops programs specific to the needs of its own community. Whether tutoring second graders, reading to Head Start classrooms or providing warm winter coats, all programs are dedicated to children and their families
Christ Child Society programs depend on the basic premise that our chapters and volunteers can have a positive impact on a child’s future through building a relationship, creating positive interactions and nurturing the seeds of success. CCS programs are developed, operated and staffed by CCS members. Program design, volunteer functions and financial responsibilities are established primarily by the chapter and may be in collaboration with partner organizations or schools.
Explore ways Chapter Programs can best serve the children of every community. Read More
Program Development Resource List
Literacy and Reading Resource List
Development of Reading Programs by Lillian Bauman
Program Goals and Planning Worksheet